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How active demonstrators are challenging the norm at Sellafield

Active demonstration image showing spot the dog through a camera

We know ‘what’ needs to be done to deliver our purpose of creating a clean and safe environment for future generations at Sellafield but working out the ‘how’ can be challenging as we tackle buildings that were never designed with decommissioning in mind. That’s where our active demonstrator programme comes in.

Tackling Inequality is Everyone's Business - Uzy Michael, Programme Manager, NDA

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A man in a suit sat around a table with people, having a discussion

This Race Equality Week I am reflecting on my own experiences and reflections on the barriers to race inequality. I have recently celebrated my one-year work anniversary at the NDA, and I am happy to be working for an organisation that …

GDF Sustainability - Futureproofing our world

Today, we have published the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) programme sustainability ‘first look’ paper setting out how sustainability is, and will continue to be, at the heart of the GDF programme. As a nationally significant infrastructure project which will span …