Understanding people’s views on the NDA and our clean-up mission

Bill Hamilton, NDA’s Head of Stakeholder Relations, shares the findings of a recent survey into what people think about the organisation and the nuclear clean-up progress.
Bill Hamilton, NDA’s Head of Stakeholder Relations, shares the findings of a recent survey into what people think about the organisation and the nuclear clean-up progress.
David Peattie, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's recently appointed CEO, shares his thoughts on progress in cleaning up the UK's earliest nuclear sites, as the NDA publishes its annual report and accounts for 2016/17.
Scott Raish, a Site Closure Director for Magnox Ltd, explains how Bradwell nuclear site in Essex will, in 2019, be the first of 11 Magnox sites across the UK to have its reactors and waste stores safely sealed for several decades. This is a significant future milestone from the latest NDA draft business plan, which we seek your views on.
Gary Snow, Head of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo Programme at Sellafield, explains how a simplified, ‘lead and learn’ approach has meant waste will be retrieved earlier than previously planned, costing £250m less, from the UK’s oldest nuclear waste storage facility – leading to a significant new milestone in the NDA’s draft business plan for 2017 to 2020.
Jonathan Evans, the new Head of Shared Services Alliance (SSA), explains how combined buying power across the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s estate has resulted in £286 million savings, and will also benefit the supply chain.
Carl Smith, PCM Decommissioning Senior Project Manager at Low Level Waste Repository Ltd, describes how hard work, dedication and commitment has led to a demolition project being at least 4 years ahead of schedule and forecast to save £30 million compared to its original cost forecast.
Calder Bain, a member of the design team working on decommissioning the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay in Scotland, explains how simple solutions sometimes work best. Recently Dounreay staff stuck to this approach when searching for a way to take metal samples from the base of a reactor.
John Clarke, NDA CEO, speaks at an international conference for the management of radioactive material and related topics. He gives an overview of progress in UK nuclear decommissioning and the value of international collaboration.
John Lawes, NDA Contract Manager at Dounreay, explains how the NDA's Asset Transfer Scheme has enabled the Dounreay site to acquire a third fire engine so that it complies with requirements from its regulator: Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR).
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