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Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol mewn craig sy’n ddwfn o dan wely’r môr – gallai weithio

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Ship at sea trailing seismic sensors

Mae Danny Young, sef Rheolwr Peirianneg RWM, yn trafod sut gallai creigiau hyd at 1,000 o fetrau dan wely’r môr fod â’r potensial i adeiladu Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol

What’s it like to be a Sellafield Ltd apprentice? #askanapprentice

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Apprenticeship Week 2021

National Apprentice Week is always a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our generations of apprentices at Sellafield Ltd. Part of this year’s campaign is #askanapprentice, so we sat down with Project Management Apprentice, Ashleigh Williams, to find out what it is really like to become a Sellafield Ltd apprentice.