For self-confessed ‘dyed in the wool environmentalist’ James Mawby, the ability to help reduce Sellafield’s future impact on the environment was a role too good to pass up. Here he explains some of the ways that the nuclear site’s environmental team are pushing the boundaries of environmental protection.
RWM’s Principal Geoscience Manager Sally Thompson and Stakeholder Engagement Manager Jane Cantwell visited Switzerland’s Mont Terri underground rock laboratory to join international colleagues in marking the 25th anniversary of this pioneering facility for research into geological disposal.
To mark British Science Week, the NDA’s Technology and Innovation Director, Melanie Brownridge, talks about her career in science and why it’s important to challenge stereotypes. So, this week is British Science Week which coincides International Women’s Day - with …
Ben Taylor, Safety Case Manager for the Decommissioning Programme, has been working to develop Magnox’s requirements for the newly launched Sort and Segregate Nuclear Waste competition. He believes that the successful system could be of value right across the nuclear sector.
As the £8.5 million Integrated Innovation in Nuclear Decommissioning (IIND) competition heads into the final stages, NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge invites the 5 collaborative projects to outline their work.
Wood's Ged McGill says the competition's clear pathway to an active demonstration provided a real focus for innovation.
Adrian Davis-Johnston says Nuvia is proud of the collective team effort that has overcome challenges and ensured the project is on track.
Createc's Matt Mellor outlines how testing new technology in a realistic environment is incredibly beneficial, enabling companies to make the leap from inactive to active use.
Tony Carrigan, from Cavendish Nuclear, outlines how 3 existing technologies have been brought together and have potential to transform how radioactive cells are decommissioned.
David Main, from Barrnon Ltd, describes how the Integrated Innovation in Nuclear Decommissioning competition enables exciting research that would otherwise be difficult for a small company.
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