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Important mission delivery milestone achieved thanks to partnership working on defueling - Barry Hart, Head of UK Contracts, NDA

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The NDA’s mission is soon expanding to include the decommissioning of the 7 advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGRs) power stations that are currently operated by EDF Energy. Through collaboration with EDF and our operating companies, Sellafield Ltd, Magnox Ltd and Nuclear Transport Solutions we are delivering a programme …

Graphene testing, waste heat capture, and ‘grown’ materials – how Sellafield is pushing the boundaries of environmental protection

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For self-confessed ‘dyed in the wool environmentalist’ James Mawby, the ability to help reduce Sellafield’s future impact on the environment was a role too good to pass up. Here he explains some of the ways that the nuclear site’s environmental team are pushing the boundaries of environmental protection.

“Nuclear is green… and the perfect career challenge for those passionate about the environment”

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Climate insight blog

Martin Clough, Sellafield Ltd’s head of environmental management at Sellafield, explains why the nuclear industry is the perfect choice for those looking for a career in environmental safety and protection.