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Dounreay learning shared at Japanese fast reactor

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The NDA and two of its major contractors are sharing experience gained at Dounreay to help dismantle an experimental fast breeder reactor in Japan. Commercial manager Sarah Groves discusses the work, and how it’s helping to foster dialogue between the two communities.

Our SME mission

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Emma-Jayne Gooch looking into the camera. Taken outside

Emma-Jayne Gooch tells us why a key part of her job as head of supply chain development at Sellafield Ltd, is to help as many SMEs as possible to work with us – either directly, or as sub-contractors – and help us to deliver our mission at Sellafield.

Rheoli Gwastraff Ymbelydrol (RWM) yn mynd â mater Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol (GDF) i Gyngres yr Undebau Llafur (TUC) 2019

RWM and stakeholders on stand at TUC 2019 event

Yr wythnos diwethaf, aethom i dref heulog Brighton, cartref y pier enwog, llawer o gynadleddau pleidiau, a Chyngres flynyddol yr Undebau Llafur (TUC). Mae’n bwysig i RWM ei fod yn ymgysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd allweddol o'r diwydiant a’r undebau oherwydd rydym …