Harnessing our skills and passion to improve safety

NDA's Director of Nuclear Operations, Alan Cumming, shares his views on safety and wellbeing after speaking recently at the NDA’s first ever Group Safety and Wellbeing event.
Alan Cumming is the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Director of Nuclear Operations. He has responsibility for all operations, including health and safety.
Alan was appointed as an NDA nominated non-executive director at Sellafield Ltd in April 2018.
A Chartered Civil Engineer and a Chartered Structural Engineer, Alan completed his nuclear training at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston and has an MBA from Strathclyde Business School in Glasgow.
Before joining the NDA, Alan was Capital Projects and Engineering Director for Viridor, part of Pennon, Deputy Project Director for EDF Energy’s New Build Nuclear Programme and Director of Projects for British Energy.
His earlier career was spent in the petrochemical industry with Foster Wheeler Energy, Brown & Root and Kvaerner, delivering projects in China, Indonesia, South Africa, Norway and the UK. He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Highways England, and chairs the Health and Safety Sub-Committee. He also provides support and advice to the University Of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing and Research Centre (AMRC), which incorporates nuclear.
NDA's Director of Nuclear Operations, Alan Cumming, shares his views on safety and wellbeing after speaking recently at the NDA’s first ever Group Safety and Wellbeing event.
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