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How NWS is making sure the right waste, is in the right place with safe, sustainable and cost effective solutions

Chris Macey, Service Lead for Treatment and Conditioning Services at Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), speaks about how his team is safely diverting huge quantities of nuclear waste away from permanent disposal at the UK’s Low Level Waste (LLW) Repository in …

The Strategy Series: Innovating to reduce, reuse and recycle

We’re onto the third instalment of our Strategy Series where we dissect our 2030 Corporate Strategy with the help of our Nuclear Waste Service (NWS) experts!  Our Corporate Strategy will help us to move forward in new, innovative ways with …

Learning from Canada - Q & A with Jamie Matear

Q & A with Jamie Matear, Director of Siting Coordination at Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Jamie visited Nuclear Waste Services earlier this year as part of a collaboration and learning visit. We sat down with Jamie to find …

Technology and innovation shaping delivery of the NDA mission

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A woman in a blue top outside a building smiling

Professor Melanie Brownridge is the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Technology and Innovation Director. She studied chemistry to PhD level in the UK and Germany and some of her other achievements include being a visiting professor at University of Leeds, international …

Showcasing the NDA group's decommissioning expertise on an international stage

People standing in front of international flags

From Professor Melanie Brownridge, NDA Technology and Innovation Director Last month I attended the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning in Vienna. The event brought together around 450 decommissioning experts from around the world to discuss achievements, …

How active demonstrators are challenging the norm at Sellafield

Active demonstration image showing spot the dog through a camera

We know ‘what’ needs to be done to deliver our purpose of creating a clean and safe environment for future generations at Sellafield but working out the ‘how’ can be challenging as we tackle buildings that were never designed with decommissioning in mind. That’s where our active demonstrator programme comes in.