My experience on the commissioning graduate programme at Sellafield Ltd

Anouschka,, one of our commissioning engineer graduates, tells us about her experience as a graduate at Sellafield Ltd.
Anouschka,, one of our commissioning engineer graduates, tells us about her experience as a graduate at Sellafield Ltd.
Shona, one of our current graduate engineers, provides 6 insights into her experience as a graduate at Sellafield Ltd.
To mark National Inclusion Week, Corhyn Parr, CEO of Nuclear Waste Services, part of the NDA group, shares her views on the importance of creating inclusive workplaces and the success of our partnership with the Whitehall and Industry Group …
Q & A with Jamie Matear, Director of Siting Coordination at Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Jamie visited Nuclear Waste Services earlier this year as part of a collaboration and learning visit. We sat down with Jamie to find …
Mark Rouse recently had the opportunity to try his hand at being an airfed suit operator in the training simulator at Dounreay. “I think it was a few years ago when I was first at Dounreay, I expressed an interest …
From Professor Melanie Brownridge, NDA Technology and Innovation Director Last month I attended the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning in Vienna. The event brought together around 450 decommissioning experts from around the world to discuss achievements, …
Last month, NWS employees travelled to Sweden to meet the organisation responsible for managing and disposing of the country’s nuclear waste, SKB. The privately owned company, which identified a site for a Geological Disposal Facility in 2009, hosted the NWS …
Martin Clough, Sellafield Ltd’s head of environmental management at Sellafield, explains why the nuclear industry is the perfect choice for those looking for a career in environmental safety and protection.
RWM’s Principal Geoscience Manager Sally Thompson and Stakeholder Engagement Manager Jane Cantwell visited Switzerland’s Mont Terri underground rock laboratory to join international colleagues in marking the 25th anniversary of this pioneering facility for research into geological disposal.
Kohei Sohda, a secondee from TEPCO working at Sellafield Ltd, tells us about his time here with us and his experience of the Great East Japan earthquake 10 years ago.
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