Melanie Brownridge, Head of Technology, announces a £500,000 contribution from the NDA for innovative technology projects. This boosts Innovate UK’s recently announced Energy Game Changer funding to a total of £2 million. Melanie encourages innovative SMEs from outside the nuclear sector to apply for this funding and test how feasible their novel and radical ideas might be.
Adrian Simper, Strategy and Technology Director, thanks stakeholders for considering the issues in the NDA's draft revised strategy. He outlines plans for further engagement during the consultation period, and emphasises that he is keen to hear from people and organisations who are interested in how we decommission our 17 UK sites.
John Mathieson, Head of International Relations, recounts NDA’s support for Japan following the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Building on existing relationships, NDA has helped UK companies offer their expertise to deal with the challenges at the Fukushima Dai-ichi site.
As part of the consultation on the NDA's draft revised strategy, Karen Dickens seeks views on support for communities surrounding our sites. Karen explains the issues, the NDA's role and how we work with other organisations to ensure these communities have a sustainable economic future once the sites have closed.
Natasha Hanson, Head of HR Strategy and Delivery, and Beccy Pleasant, Head of Skills and Talent, describe the challenges around maintaining a skilled workforce for such a long-term mission. They share the work underway to overcome these challenges, and seek your views on this approach.
NDA's Head of Integrated Waste Management, James McKinney, seeks views on the proposal for a single radioactive waste strategy. He also asks for feedback on NDA’s waste management principles described in its draft revised strategy for consultation.
NDA's Head of Technology, Melanie Brownridge, explains how the NDA ensures the right level of research and development helps progress the decommissioning mission. Melanie seeks feedback on this approach via the consultation on NDA’s draft revised strategy.
Ron Gorham, NDA's Head of Supply Chain Optimisation, seeks challenges and suggestions from our supply chain. We want to continue encouraging a dynamic, vibrant supply chain.
Jon Phillips, NDA’s Director of Communications, celebrates investment for north-west Wales and explains why supporting efforts that help mitigate the impacts of decommissioning on local communities is an important part of the NDA’s remit.
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