Waste management
To mark International Women’s Day, Laura Hogg shares her story of entering the nuclear sector at 18 and her subsequent itinerant career around the NDA group: Throughout my career, I have been inspired, motivated and supported by some exceptional people …
John Heneghan, one of our contaminated land specialists, explains what pioneering ways him and his team are discovering, in order to manage ground contamination work.
A Geological Disposal Facility – or GDF – is the best solution to permanently dispose of our most radioactive waste. We’ve developed a robust process for choosing where a GDF could be built and at the moment, we’re actively engaging …
To help accelerate the Sellafield mission, here are 5 buildings we are repurposing. In doing so we ensure that we get maximum value from them, for our mission and for the taxpayer.
Chris Macey, Service Lead for Treatment and Conditioning Services at Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), speaks about how his team is safely diverting huge quantities of nuclear waste away from permanent disposal at the UK’s Low Level Waste (LLW) Repository in …
We’ve reached the last instalment of our Strategy Series! Over the course of the last few months, we’ve dissected our corporate strategy with some of our best experts, and as we step into 2024, we’ve got some exciting plans. Our …
“I don’t have a degree.” Adrienne Kelbie, Independent Chair of Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), had what many would consider an unconventional start in the world of nuclear. Working as an administrative temp, she worked her way through varied roles that …
Over the last six decades, Mike Pigott and his team, and their predecessors, have been successfully managing the disposal of low-level radioactive waste at the Low Level Waste Repository in Cumbria. With 65 years of experience in safe radioactive waste …
We’re onto the third instalment of our Strategy Series where we dissect our 2030 Corporate Strategy with the help of our Nuclear Waste Service (NWS) experts! Our Corporate Strategy will help us to move forward in new, innovative ways with …
Q & A with Jamie Matear, Director of Siting Coordination at Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Jamie visited Nuclear Waste Services earlier this year as part of a collaboration and learning visit. We sat down with Jamie to find …
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