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Swiss underground rock laboratory turns 25

RWM’s Principal Geoscience Manager Sally Thompson and Stakeholder Engagement Manager Jane Cantwell visited Switzerland’s Mont Terri underground rock laboratory to join international colleagues in marking the 25th anniversary of this pioneering facility for research into geological disposal.

Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol mewn craig sy’n ddwfn o dan wely’r môr – gallai weithio

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Ship at sea trailing seismic sensors

Mae Danny Young, sef Rheolwr Peirianneg RWM, yn trafod sut gallai creigiau hyd at 1,000 o fetrau dan wely’r môr fod â’r potensial i adeiladu Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol

Pa fuddion fydd yn deillio o’r GDF i’r gymuned?

Community benefits will be wide-ranging

Manteision hirdymor Bydd cymuned sy’n cynnal cyfleuster gwaredu daearegol (GDF) ar gyfer gwastraff ymbelydrol yn helpu i ddatrys problem enfawr i’r DU, nid nawr yn unig, ond unwaith ac am byth. Ac i’r gymuned ei hun, bydd llu o fanteision …

The science behind long-term safety of a GDF

Geological Timeline

Because higher-activity radioactive waste will remain hazardous to human health for a long time, potentially beyond the next Ice Age, disposing of it safely is both a social responsibility and a unique scientific challenge. All around the world, it’s agreed …