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Radiological hazard on all Magnox nuclear sites across UK set to reduce by 99%

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Two remaining nuclear sites with Magnox reactors due to complete defueling by 2020

Pete Knollmeyer, Chief Nuclear Officer for Magnox Ltd, explains why being declared ‘fuel-free’ is so important for the final Magnox reactor site. This milestone is due to be achieved within the next 3 years, the period covered by NDA's business plan that is currently available for consultation.

Earlier emptying of waste will reduce both nuclear risk and costs

Exterior of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo (PFCS)

Gary Snow, Head of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo Programme at Sellafield, explains how a simplified, ‘lead and learn’ approach has meant waste will be retrieved earlier than previously planned, costing £250m less, from the UK’s oldest nuclear waste storage facility – leading to a significant new milestone in the NDA’s draft business plan for 2017 to 2020.

Blu-tack brainwave leads to cost savings in nuclear decommissioning

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Calder Bains, Senior Design Engineer, at Dounreay site

Calder Bain, a member of the design team working on decommissioning the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay in Scotland, explains how simple solutions sometimes work best. Recently Dounreay staff stuck to this approach when searching for a way to take metal samples from the base of a reactor.

Learning from experience helps shift radioactive waste at Hunterston A site in Scotland

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Hunterston Bunker 4 and 5 from Bunker 5 entrance

Stuart Blair, Higher Activity Waste Production Manager at Magnox Ltd, describes how lessons learned have meant that the second of Hunterston’s five concrete waste bunkers has now been successfully emptied of its hazardous contents – using 23 less containers than the first bunker clearance, and completing 6 weeks ahead of schedule.

Successful radioactive waste retrieval from underground chambers at Berkeley site in Gloucestershire

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Inside the Fuel Element Debris (FED) vault at Berkeley nuclear site in Gloucestershire

Paul Oswald, Site Delivery Manager at Magnox Ltd, describes how, 50 years after its accumulation and a number of failed attempts to retrieve it, a uniquely complex range of mixed waste is finally being retrieved from the vaults where it was kept. Find out more about the work to ensure safe storage of this radioactive waste.