Andy Sharples, our project director, explains what net zero looks like for our major infrastructure delivery, and how sustainability at Sellafield Ltd is being integrated into everything we do.
We know ‘what’ needs to be done to deliver our purpose of creating a clean and safe environment for future generations at Sellafield but working out the ‘how’ can be challenging as we tackle buildings that were never designed with decommissioning in mind. That’s where our active demonstrator programme comes in.
Coronavirus, lockdown and social distancing has put a pause on many normal ways of working. But when certifications are awarded and events have to be cancelled there's always a way to overcome these obstacles with online events and virtual presentations, Chris Woods, Senior Communications Officer tells us more.
Today marks the 62nd anniversary of Britain’s worst ever nuclear disaster. As time moves forward, so does the project to decommission the pile chimney.
Emma-Jayne Gooch tells us why a key part of her job as head of supply chain development at Sellafield Ltd, is to help as many SMEs as possible to work with us – either directly, or as sub-contractors – and help us to deliver our mission at Sellafield.
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