Gary Snow, Head of the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo Programme at Sellafield, explains how a simplified, ‘lead and learn’ approach has meant waste will be retrieved earlier than previously planned, costing £250m less, from the UK’s oldest nuclear waste storage facility – leading to a significant new milestone in the NDA’s draft business plan for 2017 to 2020.
Martin Grey, the NDA’s National Programme Delivery Manager Assurance, explains how an award-winning fun board game is helping Sellafield Ltd teams to understand the importance of asset management – and appreciate what it’s actually about.
Guest author Professor Kym Jarvis, managing director of a micro-business that has received NDA R&D funding for an innovative research project, shares her delight at the company’s recent success in securing further support and at personally being named the first business leader to win a prestigious national award for female entrepreneurs.
Ron Gorham, Head of Supply Chain Optimisation and SME Champion, is delighted that visitors to the recent NDA Estate Supply Chain Event again voted the day a huge success, with a 96% positive rating in a follow-up survey.
John Clarke, NDA's CEO, gives his view on the major milestones in hazard reduction across UK’s historic nuclear sites, as outlined in the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's Annual Report and Accounts 2015 to 2016.
This is “UK Robotics Week”. NDA’s Head of Supply Chain Optimisation, Ron Gorham, focuses on the business opportunities for developing robotics in nuclear decommissioning. He encourages businesses, large and small, from different sectors to consider how they might grasp opportunities in the nuclear industry.
This week is UK Robotics Week, so Melanie Brownridge, NDA’s Head of Technology, explains how robotics can benefit the decommissioning of nuclear sites in the UK.
Carl Smith, PCM Decommissioning Senior Project Manager at Low Level Waste Repository Ltd, describes how hard work, dedication and commitment has led to a demolition project being at least 4 years ahead of schedule and forecast to save £30 million compared to its original cost forecast.
Calder Bain, a member of the design team working on decommissioning the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay in Scotland, explains how simple solutions sometimes work best. Recently Dounreay staff stuck to this approach when searching for a way to take metal samples from the base of a reactor.
Stuart Blair, Higher Activity Waste Production Manager at Magnox Ltd, describes how lessons learned have meant that the second of Hunterston’s five concrete waste bunkers has now been successfully emptied of its hazardous contents – using 23 less containers than the first bunker clearance, and completing 6 weeks ahead of schedule.
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