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Summit brings people together to improve understanding

NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations John McNamara reflects on the recent 2-day summit, held in Anglesey, for individuals and organisations who are interested in our clean-up mission.

Transport, design and licensing helps to address UK nuclear decommissioning challenges

As NDA subsidiary International Nuclear Services (INS) launches its 10-year strategy for 2019 to 2029, Managing Director Seth Kybird blogs about what INS has achieved so far, and its plans for the future.

End in sight for reprocessing nuclear fuel at Sellafield

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Martin Leafe, Director, Spent Fuel Management at Sellafield Ltd, explains how, over the next four years, the commercial reprocessing of spent fuel will end, and the site will move to full-scale decommissioning, remediation and waste management. This important change of focus is one of the milestones outlined in the draft NDA Business Plan.

Government and industry leaders focus on security of nuclear materials in Washington DC

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Nuclear Security Summit 2016

Mark Jervis, Managing Director of International Nuclear Services (INS), describes how the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS 2016) will bring more than 50 heads of state and four international organisations together to discuss intergovernmental policies in global nuclear security. The Nuclear Industry Summit (NIS 2016), an official side event of NSS 16, will attract nuclear industry leaders from around the world to address the future use of nuclear technology, cybersecurity and securing nuclear materials. Here Mark explains the key role INS has played in delivering commitments at previous summits.