Building a sustainable process with the community at its heart

Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.
Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.
NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations John McNamara reflects on the recent 2-day summit, held in Anglesey, for individuals and organisations who are interested in our clean-up mission.
Lucy Bailey is a chartered physicist working for Radioactive Waste Management, and it’s her job to show that a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) will not cause any harm to people or the environment. Geological disposal involves isolating and containing radioactive waste in sealed vaults and tunnels deep underground, between 200 m and 1000 m below the surface. This prevents radioactivity from ever reaching the surface in levels that could cause harm.
This blog covers my experiences at RWM’s exhibition stand at the Big Bang Fair, over the last two days of the event. Arriving at the NEC on a sunny morning...
Mae Jonathan Turner yn rhannu ei brofiadau o ymweliad â rhai o gyfleusterau gwastraff ymbelydrol Sweden. Yn dilyn hyn mae sesiwn gyfweld fer gyda Kaj Ahlbom, daearegwr sydd wedi bod yn rhan o’r rhaglen dewis ac archwilio safleoedd yn Sweden am 25 o flynyddoedd.
...involved in major projects around the world. During a recent work trip to Sweden, I visited several facilities related to geological disposal: the Final Repository for Short-Lived Radioactive Waste (SFR...
Simon Tucker, Head of Information Governance, shares his views on how the new archive, Nucleus, in Caithness benefits the local community and provides a long-term solution for managing information related to nuclear decommissioning.
John Clarke, NDA CEO, speaks at an international conference for the management of radioactive material and related topics. He gives an overview of progress in UK nuclear decommissioning and the value of international collaboration.
NDA's Head of Integrated Waste Management, James McKinney, seeks views on the proposal for a single radioactive waste strategy. He also asks for feedback on NDA’s waste management principles described in its draft revised strategy for consultation.
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