Dyddiadur “Geek Gwyddonol” yn Ffair Big Bang
Mae’r blog yma yn bwrw golwg ar fy mhrofiadau ar stondin arddangos RWM yn Ffair Big Bang yn ystod dau ddiwrnod olaf y digwyddiad.
Mae’r blog yma yn bwrw golwg ar fy mhrofiadau ar stondin arddangos RWM yn Ffair Big Bang yn ystod dau ddiwrnod olaf y digwyddiad.
O fewn RWM mae yna is-grwpiau a thimau gwahanol. Dwi’n ffisegydd siartredig, a fy ngwaith i yw dangos na fydd Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol (GDF) yn achosi niwed i bobl na'r amgylchedd. Mae gwaredu daearegol yn cynnwys ynysu a gosod gwastraff ymbelydrol mewn daeargelloedd a thwneli, yn ddwfn o dan ddaear, rhwng 200m a 1000m o dan yr wyneb. Mae hyn yn atal ymbelydredd rhag cyrraedd yr wyneb mewn lefelau a allai achosi niwed. Caiff gwastraff ymbelydrol solet ei becynnu mewn cynwysyddion diogel sydd wedi’u peiriannu, a wneir fel arfer o fetel neu goncrid, a'u gosod mewn ffurfiant creigiau sefydlog, gyda'r cynwysyddion wedi'u hamgylchynu gan glai neu sment. Gelwir hyn yn ddull aml-rwystr.
Lucy Bailey is a chartered physicist working for Radioactive Waste Management, and it’s her job to show that a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) will not cause any harm to people or the environment. Geological disposal involves isolating and containing radioactive waste in sealed vaults and tunnels deep underground, between 200 m and 1000 m below the surface. This prevents radioactivity from ever reaching the surface in levels that could cause harm.
This blog covers my experiences at RWM’s exhibition stand at the Big Bang Fair, over the last two days of the event. Arriving at the NEC on a sunny morning...
International Women’s Day shed focus on the strengths and achievements of women around the world. And to showcase women in the nuclear industry, Clare Fuller hears from two women: Dorothy Gradden OBE, who started her career more than 20 years ago, and Heather Patterson, who only began working in the industry last October. Together, they highlight the differences in the sector.
David Vineall, the NDA's HR Director, looks forward to focusing on education and skills, which are vital to ensure the UK has a skilled workforce capable of carrying out the work of decommissioning our nuclear sites.
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