Building a sustainable process with the community at its heart

Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.
Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.
Design Engineering Analyst Rhianne Boag, from the technical team at International Nuclear Services, explains why everyone's calendar should mark International Women in Engineering Day.
As the final instalment of Sky TV’s powerful Chernobyl drama came to an end, scientist Dr Claire Corkhill welcomes the interest it’s sparked in nuclear and says we need to talk more openly about the industry's global legacy.
As NDA subsidiary International Nuclear Services (INS) launches its 10-year strategy for 2019 to 2029, Managing Director Seth Kybird blogs about what INS has achieved so far, and its plans for the future.
NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge is part of an international panel working with the Japanese to review their research for technologies needed to clean up the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant. She reflects on progress after returning from a recent visit.
NDA Inventory Manager, Martin James, outlines how international nuclear agencies are working together to report, for the first time, on global trends in how radioactive waste and spent fuels are managed.
Our mission is part of an international effort to deal with the legacy from the earliest days of the nuclear industry, so working with other countries is essential in sharing vital knowledge that helps us all reach our shared goal. The NDA’s Head of International Relations, John Mathieson, explains how bilateral agreements and visits from overseas experts, as well as exchange visits, support this global drive.
As the NDA’s trailblazing nucleargraduates scheme approaches its 10th anniversary, we hear from 3 graduates past and present and the opportunities the programme has given them, opening doors to new experiences in the nuclear industry.
The NDA has joined an international coalition dedicated to ensuring that the legacy of today's digital world will still make sense to future generations.
O fewn RWM mae yna is-grwpiau a thimau gwahanol. Dwi’n ffisegydd siartredig, a fy ngwaith i yw dangos na fydd Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol (GDF) yn achosi niwed i bobl na'r amgylchedd. Mae gwaredu daearegol yn cynnwys ynysu a gosod gwastraff ymbelydrol mewn daeargelloedd a thwneli, yn ddwfn o dan ddaear, rhwng 200m a 1000m o dan yr wyneb. Mae hyn yn atal ymbelydredd rhag cyrraedd yr wyneb mewn lefelau a allai achosi niwed. Caiff gwastraff ymbelydrol solet ei becynnu mewn cynwysyddion diogel sydd wedi’u peiriannu, a wneir fel arfer o fetel neu goncrid, a'u gosod mewn ffurfiant creigiau sefydlog, gyda'r cynwysyddion wedi'u hamgylchynu gan glai neu sment. Gelwir hyn yn ddull aml-rwystr.
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