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Research and development

We're supporting the development of technology for Fukushima clean-up

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Panel members visited the Fukushima Dai-ichi site to see progress

NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge is part of an international panel working with the Japanese to review their research for technologies needed to clean up the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant. She reflects on progress after returning from a recent visit.

Industrial strategy success: a boost in our supply chain is a boost to our mission

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Joe Orrell in the Innovation Zone at NDA Group Supply Chain Event

The specialist skills of offshore engineering can be successfully adapted for nuclear decommissioning, as one northern business has found. To coincide with the first anniversary of the government’s Industrial Strategy, which encourages such cross-sector sharing. Red Engineering’s Joe Orrell shares the two-year journey of his expansion into nuclear.

What is Sellafield?

What is Sellafield question on a bright blue background

Have you ever wondered what happens behind Sellafield’s security fences? Or how the site evolved from a farm to a nuclear icon and one of the biggest environmental clean-up challenges in Europe? Sellafield Ltd’s head of corporate communications, Emma Law, takes you inside Sellafield.

Building a stronger NDA Group with relentless focus on nuclear clean-up

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David Peattie: "Changes to the way we work and manage ourselves will be the most significant since our organisation was created in 2005."

As our Annual Report and Accounts for 2017 to 2018 are published, David Peattie, Chief Executive of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, looks back over a year of progress and reflects on the learning that will transform the NDA into a stronger organisation, in the best possible shape to face challenges of the future.

Robots reduce radioactive risks for workers in nuclear decommissioning

UK Robotics Week 2018

It’s UK Robotics Week and the NDA’s Technical Assurance Manager Darrell Morris explains how the NDA Group is joining other industries and organisations to explore the latest robotic technologies. He shares details of some of the robots now tackling decommissioning challenges.

Paratoi’r achos ar gyfer diogelwch Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol

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O fewn RWM mae yna is-grwpiau a thimau gwahanol. Dwi’n ffisegydd siartredig, a fy ngwaith i yw dangos na fydd Cyfleuster Gwaredu Daearegol (GDF) yn achosi niwed i bobl na'r amgylchedd. Mae gwaredu daearegol yn cynnwys ynysu a gosod gwastraff ymbelydrol mewn daeargelloedd a thwneli, yn ddwfn o dan ddaear, rhwng 200m a 1000m o dan yr wyneb. Mae hyn yn atal ymbelydredd rhag cyrraedd yr wyneb mewn lefelau a allai achosi niwed. Caiff gwastraff ymbelydrol solet ei becynnu mewn cynwysyddion diogel sydd wedi’u peiriannu, a wneir fel arfer o fetel neu goncrid, a'u gosod mewn ffurfiant creigiau sefydlog, gyda'r cynwysyddion wedi'u hamgylchynu gan glai neu sment. Gelwir hyn yn ddull aml-rwystr.