Latest views from the NDA’s external stakeholders

The NDA's Head of Stakeholder Relations, John McNamara, looks at the feedback from the 2020 NDA Stakeholder Survey and how responses are used to further improve engagement
The NDA's Head of Stakeholder Relations, John McNamara, looks at the feedback from the 2020 NDA Stakeholder Survey and how responses are used to further improve engagement
A recent report found that 67% of employees expect their company to play their part in tackling social issues. As we launch a refresh of our social impact strategy, Social impact, multiplied, our head of internal communications Helen Connolly, spoke with some of our employees about what social impact means to them.
Sellafield Ltd's Chief Executive, Martin Chown tells us why social impact is good business.
Gary McKeating, Sellafield Ltd’s head of community and development, tells us what social impact is and the reasons behind the change in our approach.
Sellafield Ltd has developed a unique partnership approach towards raising educational attainment in those communities closest to the Sellafield site. Jamie Reed, Head of Corporate Affairs explains why...
Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.
NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations John McNamara reflects on the recent 2-day summit, held in Anglesey, for individuals and organisations who are interested in our clean-up mission.
As the £8.5 million Integrated Innovation in Nuclear Decommissioning (IIND) competition heads into the final stages, NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge invites the 5 collaborative projects to outline their work.
Tony Carrigan, from Cavendish Nuclear, outlines how 3 existing technologies have been brought together and have potential to transform how radioactive cells are decommissioned.
Bill Hamilton has been responsible for the way the NDA engages with its stakeholders for 14 years. He shares the latest results and feedback from our annual survey of their views and perceptions of the organisation.
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