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Supply Chain

Not the House of Lords

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An image of Stephen Scott holding up a certificate

Coronavirus, lockdown and social distancing has put a pause on many normal ways of working. But when certifications are awarded and events have to be cancelled there's always a way to overcome these obstacles with online events and virtual presentations, Chris Woods, Senior Communications Officer tells us more.

The NDA’s ‘Grand Challenges’ for technical innovation

Two scientists wearing 3D goggles

Sara Huntingdon, the NDA’s Head of Innovation, explains why the NDA group is committed to taking more of a lead on innovation as it launches its Grand Challenges for Technical Innovation.

Our SME mission

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Emma-Jayne Gooch looking into the camera. Taken outside

Emma-Jayne Gooch tells us why a key part of her job as head of supply chain development at Sellafield Ltd, is to help as many SMEs as possible to work with us – either directly, or as sub-contractors – and help us to deliver our mission at Sellafield.

Chernobyl drama sparks huge interest in nuclear, so let's talk about it

As the final instalment of Sky TV’s powerful Chernobyl drama came to an end, scientist Dr Claire Corkhill welcomes the interest it’s sparked in nuclear and says we need to talk more openly about the industry's global legacy.

Transport, design and licensing helps to address UK nuclear decommissioning challenges

As NDA subsidiary International Nuclear Services (INS) launches its 10-year strategy for 2019 to 2029, Managing Director Seth Kybird blogs about what INS has achieved so far, and its plans for the future.

We're supporting the development of technology for Fukushima clean-up

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Panel members visited the Fukushima Dai-ichi site to see progress

NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge is part of an international panel working with the Japanese to review their research for technologies needed to clean up the damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi plant. She reflects on progress after returning from a recent visit.