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Waste management

Radioactive Waste Management takes GDF to the TUC Congress 2019

RWM and stakeholders on stand at TUC 2019 event

Last week we set off to sunny Brighton, home to a famous pier, too many famous party conferences, and the annual Trades Union Congress (TUC). Engaging with key industry and union audiences is really important to RWM as we work …

Decommissioning the world’s first commercial nuclear power station

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A full view of Calder Hall including cooling towers and turbine halls

Sellafield’s mission is changing. As reprocessing operations end on site, our focus shifts to environmental clean-up and waste management.
As we prepare to take final fuel out of the world’s first commercial nuclear power station, we report on the current clean-up progress being made on the Sellafield site.

Building a sustainable process with the community at its heart

Marie Berggren, from the Swedish municipality of Östhammar, shares her thoughts on the journey her community has taken within the Swedish geological disposal programme.

Summit brings people together to improve understanding

NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations John McNamara reflects on the recent 2-day summit, held in Anglesey, for individuals and organisations who are interested in our clean-up mission.

Fascinating to see projects progress from the drawing board to reality

As the £8.5 million Integrated Innovation in Nuclear Decommissioning (IIND) competition heads into the final stages, NDA Head of Technology Melanie Brownridge invites the 5 collaborative projects to outline their work.