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Dounreay learning shared at Japanese fast reactor

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The NDA and two of its major contractors are sharing experience gained at Dounreay to help dismantle an experimental fast breeder reactor in Japan. Commercial manager Sarah Groves discusses the work, and how it’s helping to foster dialogue between the two communities.

What are we trying to achieve during National Inclusion Week 2019?

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This is a graphic that includes the hashtags NIW2019 and EverydayInclusion

This week is National Inclusion Week, an annual opportunity to raise awareness of inclusion in the workplace. This year the theme of the week is ‘everyday inclusion’, an essential part of any organisation’s work to become a truly inclusive employer.

Our very own 'Forces for Change'

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Our very own forces for change

As Vogue celebrates 15 women who are driving change around the world, we’ve looked closer to home.
Sellafield’s Forces for Change are 15 formidable women who are tackling the clean-up of some of the country’s most significant nuclear risks, transforming our business, and driving greater equality, diversity and inclusion in our business and beyond. And that’s not all…

Summit brings people together to improve understanding

NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations John McNamara reflects on the recent 2-day summit, held in Anglesey, for individuals and organisations who are interested in our clean-up mission.

Latest views from people interested in NDA and UK nuclear decommissioning

Bill Hamilton has been responsible for the way the NDA engages with its stakeholders for 14 years. He shares the latest results and feedback from our annual survey of their views and perceptions of the organisation.